The aim of the study was to create and validate a model with four high-resolution manometry variables in order to predict pathologic gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD), defined as acid exposure time (AET) >6% according to Lyon consensus1.
High-resolution manometry was performed following the Chicago Classification 4.02. The variables included were: ineffective esophageal motility (IEM), EGJ-contractile integral (EGJ-CI), EGJ type and response to straight leg raise (SLR) maneuver. These variables have been previously validated as factors favoring GERD3-6.
Definitions and figures
SLR maneuver
With the patient in the supine position, one or two legs are raised at an angle of 45° for at least 5 seconds until intra-abdominal pressure is raised. An increase of 11 mmHg of intra-esophageal peak pressure 5 cm above the LES during SLR was considered abnormal.